2014 Margaret-Teresa-McDonell Award Recipient – Ms. Claudette Lahaie

24 Apr, 2014 | Initiatives, Prix Margaret-Teresa-McDonell

Having worked in health services during her entire career, Claudette Lahaie held various positions, but always maintained a connection with French-language services. Although it may be out of the scope of her position, Claudette ensures that discussions during any round table, take into consideration French speaking populations. Forward thinking and strategic thinker, she considers how to offer French-language services during the planning stage of any project.

Santé en français warmly congratulates Ms. Claudette Lahaie for her timeless efforts in supporting French services in health since the very beginning of her career. In her soft-spoken way and most often working in the background, she has had a positive influence on the development and advancement of the francophone community.

A work of art was presented to Ms. Claudette Lahaie during the 2014 forum À notre santé… en français!
Photo: L. to R. – Honorable Sharon Blady, minister of health, Ms. Claudette Lahaie, Ms. Lorette Beaudry-Ferland, president of Corporation catholique de la santé du Manitoba.

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